Advice for Children

Rugby League is tough contact sport however everyone is still duty bound to ensure children involved in the sport are safe and well at all times. Adults who are not doing this are not welcome in the sport. We all wish to keep rugby league safe and fun for everyone.

If someone is hurting your body, touching you in the wrong way or making you feel bad, scared or upset then you must speak to someone.

If an adult is spending a lot of time alone with you, asking you not to say anything to others and keep secrets then this is also wrong.  You should speak to someone.

If you see this happening to another child or something is worrying you then you should tell someone.


The Welfare Officer, coach or helper at your club.
Another parent
Teacher in school
A family member or friend away from the sports club
Telling a friend may help however you must speak to a trusted adult also.
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0808 800 5000  (Free to call)
Childline 0800 1111 (Free to call)

Be Brave. Talking to Someone Will Help! Keeping you and other children safe is our priority


Child abuse is when an adult harms a child or young person. There are four main type of abuse:

Physical abuse: this includes being hit, kicked, shaken or punched, or given harmful drugs or alcohol.

Emotional abuse: this includes being called names all the time, being threatened or being made to feel small.

Sexual abuse: this includes being touched in a way you don’t like by an adult or young person, being forced to have sex, or being made to look at sexual pictures or videos. For some disabled children, it includes if a person helping them to use the toilet touched them more than was needed.

Neglect: is when a child is not looked after properly, including having no place to stay, or not enough food to eat, or clothes to keep them warm. It also includes if the child is not given medical care when they need it, including medication. For some disabled children, it could include if their carer took away the things they needed for everyday life – like their wheelchair or communication board. Or if they did not help a disabled child who needed help using the toilet.

Bullying and racism are also forms of abuse. Bullying includes hitting or threatening a child with violence, taking their things, calling them names or insulting them, making them do things they won’t want to do, and deliberately humiliating or ignoring them.

Abuse is never your choice and never your fault

Abuse creates all sorts of confusing feelings and emotions, including feeling frightened, alone, confused, angry, unloved, guilty or ashamed. Often a child may not realise that what is making them feel so bad is really abuse. Or he or she may know it’s abuse and is wrong, but feel that somehow it’s their fault.

It is very important to remember that the abuse is not your choice and is not your fault.