All players are advised to be vigilant in using any supplement. No guarantee can be given that any particular supplement is free from prohibited substances. Players must be aware that while some supplements declare on their label that they contain prohibited substances, there are many that are mislabelled, do not include all the ingredients, or are contaminated during the manufacturing process.
Players can reduce the risk of consuming banned substances through the risk minimisation scheme, Informed-Sport.
Informed-Sport is a supplement testing and certification programme which aims to assure athletes that supplements acquiring the Informed-Sport accreditation have been tested for some prohibited substances and manufactured to strict standards.
Players can search for tested supplements by searching the product name, type and batch number.
Medications prescribed by a doctor or bought directly over the counter may contain prohibited substances. It is a rowers’ responsibility to check their medication before using it, even if they have used it before.
It is also important to note that medications bought abroad may contain different substances to those bought in the UK.
Global DRO provides players and support personnel with information about the anti-doping status of specific medications and ingredients based on the current WADA Prohibited List.
Global Dro is simple and easy to use and enables rowers to check medications sold in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Global DRO provides the user with a unique reference number for each search.