You are encouraged to report any concerns you may have that doping is taking place, or could be taking place. Please speak out concerning any suspicions you have, no matter how small.
UK Anti-Doping has a number of ways you can pass on your concerns:
📞 Phone 0800 32 23 32
This is a 24/7 Hotline hosted by Crimestoppers who are there to listen. If you prefer to remain 100% anonymous you can. Or if you share your details, they will be kept confidential and may help keep sport clean.
✉️ Email
When you feel something’s wrong, send an email. UKAD guarantee that your name and email address will be kept confidential.
📝Online Form
Tell UKAD what you know via their online form. You will remain anonymous as standard, but if you choose to share your details confidentially it could help them catch those in sport who seek to cheat.
You can also report by emailing