With the implementation of the new UK Anti-Doping frame work in 2021, Wales Rugby League made a huge commitment to fulfil all our obligations under this scheme to ensure we become fully Anti-Doping compliant.
As part of our implementation of the UKAD frame work CEO Gareth Kear, Board member Marc Lovering and Stephen Jones from our Disability RL became our designated anti-doping officers. Between them they have been able to complete 94% of the framework and are working hard to finalise the remaining sections.
2021 also saw the Clean Sport Education Strategy and Clean Sport Implementation Plan being created and renewed to help our sport remain compliant but more importantly preserve the spirit of our sport in Wales as 100% ME, Anti-doping training was supplied by Gareth to the Men’s and Women’s pathways and by Stephen to our Wheelchair pathways, further training will be supplied to all our remaining pathways and new player throughout the coming year.
Watch for updates throughout the year on our website and social media accounts.