WRL Clean Sport Education Programme
The Prohibited List 2023 is now available and will come into effect 1 January 2023.
All players are solely responsible for any banned substance they use, attempt to use, or is found in their system, regardless of how it got there or whether there was any intention to cheat.
It is important that all players conduct themselves within the rules and make informed decisions to ensure they train and play clean, using the anti-doping resources available to them.
Anti-Doping Rules
The anti-doping rules of Wales Rugby League are the UK Anti-Doping Rules published by UK Anti-Doping. These are consistent with the World Anti-Doping Code (WADA Code), which governs anti-doping internationally.
The anti-doping rules apply to all players at any type of rugby league at any age. They also apply to all athlete support personnel such as coaches, volunteers, parents of junior players and any other support role.
All players will be subject to doping control, which may result in having to provide a sample to a Doping Control Officer. For further information, please see the Understanding the Testing Process section.
Recreational athletes and Protected Persons
New definitions in the WADA Code 2021 will allow for more flexibility in anti-doping rule violation sanctions, for example, the waiving of the requirement to publish a sanction.
Protected Person: This definition will apply during the anti-doping rule violation process to young athletes (under the age of 16 or 18, depending on circumstances), or an athlete who has been determined to lack legal capacity in their decision making e.g. intellectual impairment.
Recreational Athlete: An athlete who is a member of a National Governing Body (NGB), but based on their competition level can be treated differently from either an International Level or National Level Athlete for sanctioning purposes.
TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption): It is an athlete’s responsibility to be aware of, and understand, the TUE process and requirements that apply to them. These requirements will vary depending on your medication, our sport, and your competition level.
Use the TUE Wizard to determine whether, when and how to apply for a TUE. Make sure to press submit once you have finished using the Wizard to generate a report of your search. We recommend you keep a copy of your Wizard search results should they be needed to demonstrate the checks you have made and when you last made them. https://www.ukad.org.uk/tue-wizard
For Anti-Doping Rule Violations of presence or use of a prohibited substance, the basic rules are as follows:
- If you intended to cheat, whatever the substance, the period of ineligibility is four years
- Otherwise, it is two years – unless you can show you had no significant fault or negligence, in which case ineligibility may be reduced by up to a maximum of one year (that is, to a minimum ineligibility of one year)
- If the violation involved a specified substance or a contaminated product, and you can demonstrate you had no significant fault, ineligibility may range from two years to a reprimand (depending on your level of fault)
You should also be aware that multiple Anti-Doping Rule Violations, or the presence of multiple substances may increase the sanction you face beyond four years.
For some Anti-Doping Rule Violations, the penalty can be a life ban from sport.
More information is available using the links below.
https://www.ukad.org.uk/ (external link)
https://www.wada-ama.org/ (external link)
Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV)
The Prohibited List
Understanding the Testing Process
Supplements, Nutrition and Medications
Report Doping
Anti-Doping Annual Overview 2021