Treherbert 7 Mid Rhondda 8

Treherbert, at home, engaged Mid-R.hondda in a cup tie under Northern Union rules. Teams:— Treherbert: Back, Dan Fitzgerald; three- quarter backs, H. Williams, H. II. Edwards, Handford. and T. H. Jenkins; half-backs, A. Francis and J. Thomas; forward. J. Page Jenkins, D. Ward, G. Raleigh, Harry Cox, D. Galloway, and T. J. August. Mid-Rhondda: Back, T. Griffiths; three- quarter backs, T. Edwards, J. N.Jones, Wrentmore, and F. Suniraons; half-baK ks, H. Roes and M. Recs; fOirwalrdJ, G. Ma.thews, D. Williams, Morris, Baker, D. Hughes, and Watts. Iteleree, Mr. Leonard, iie.lhyr. Matthews kicked off for Mid-Rhordda, and from a mark Fitzgerald landed a goal. This was quickly followed by another penalty goal, putting Treherbert well a-head. Subse- quent nlay was of a very scrappy nature, Treherbert losing several chances. Mid- Rhondda now f.ot into the home territory. Page Jenkins bringing relief. Good play fol- lowed by Francis, who removed the danger from the Treherbert line. but they were not to be denied, and Wrentmore crossed, scoring an unconverted try. Halltime score. G. T. P ts. Treherbert 2 0 4 Mid-Rhondda. 0 1 3 ) J. Thomaa re-started. The opened the attack, but Treherbert soon retaliated. Page Jenkins nearly forced his way across. Matthews got over in the corner with a try, which was not converted. Simmonds shortly afterwards dropped a goal. T-roherbert now away with great daeh, attacked hotly, Edwards scoring a inagriftcent try wiiidh Fitzgerald failed to ma.jorise. Final score: (i. T. its. Mid-Rhondda 1 2 8 Treherbert 2 1 7

COMMENTS. For the greater portion the match was of a slow character, and Treherbert lost through their inability to avail themselves of the chaises which came their way. Francis played a great game, while Edwards was also good. Cox and Thomas were the pick of the forwards. For Mid-Rhondda Matthews, Baker, and Wrentmore were very conspicuous.