Match officials society formed in North Wales

A meeting was held at Glyndwr University recently where the Northern section of the Wales Match Officials Society was formed to join the already successful society which has until now been based in the South of Wales.

Gary Stephenson was appointed as Co-ordinator and secretary for the area. Gary is also the Universities Rugby League Ambassador.

A development session was also held during the morning where everyone participated enthusiastically.

RFL Match Officials Development Officer Alan Smith said: “I was overwhelmed by the buzz I got from the guys on Sunday, they are so keen for the game to succeed in the North it was refreshing to see and hear.

“It is great to have some Match Officials in the area now as there are more teams coming on board thanks to the hard work of Matt Pritchard.

“These guys are going to develop into very good Match Officials and I have no doubt some will go on to the Performance Pathway and be a great success at officiating.”

If you are interested in becoming a Match Official please contact Alan Smith on 07760 177457.