RL popularity growing in North Wales

Rugby League’s popularity continues to grow in North Wales as preparations gather pace for the new season writes Gareth Jones.

20 local schools in Wrexham and Flintshire are now signed up to the development programme, which is being supported by North Wales Crusaders, Glyndwr University and Wales Rugby League, alongside both Wrexham and Flintshire Council.

Local Community Rugby League Coaches, Adam Daniels and Allen Jones, have been delivering 27 weekly sessions in both primary and secondary schools, which have been met with a positive response from pupils.

Community clubs in North Wales have also enjoyed a busy start to the year. Flintshire Flacons U18s side are back in training ahead of the 2015 season, as are the North Wales Crusaders U16s, who are also holding a taster session on Saturday 7th February from 10am-12pm at Queensway Stadium. The session is open for children aged between 8-16, for players all abilities.

A series of rugby festivals are also being planned to take place throughout the spring and summer months.

Community Coach Allen Jones said: “The Festivals are an ideal format to enable new players to get a taste of Rugby League.

“These festivals proved to be very popular in 2014, and the community clubs are doing a great job in attracting new players by holding taster.

“The recent announcement of a partnership between North Wales Crusaders and Super League side Warrington Wolves should also prove a huge boost to the game locally, not only for the senior Crusaders squad but also at the local and community level as well.”