WRL completes first stand-alone coaching course

Wales Rugby League, in partnership with the Rugby League European Federation, have completed their first stand-alone coaching course.

Held at Penarth Leisure Centre near Cardiff on Sunday 11th January and Sunday 1st February an impressive turnout of 14 candidates, who had a range of experience, from Wales students’ coaches to relative beginners, turned out in order to qualify as level 1 coaches.

Facilities were excellent, with a classroom close to a sports hall and pitch, enabling movement form one to the other speedily, and providing a range of options in case of inclement weather.

After a tutor training course in Denmark, Wales Rugby League’s development manager Mark Jones, delivered this course in order to be completely signed off as an official Coach Tutor. Martin Crick from the RLEF observed Jones throughout the two days. WRL’s head of performance, Jon Ellis, also attended as an observer and assisted with the assessment process.

The morning sessions were based in the classroom and sessions were very interactive with a good atmosphere evident throughout. It helped that there were several experienced coaches there, which enabled a good level of discussion and provided numerous insights for the less experienced course members.

The afternoon sessions were practically based, with the coaches split into pairs, delivering sessions on various Rugby League core skills to the rest of the group.

Jones said: “Being able to run our own coaching courses in Wales is a massive stride forward for Wales Rugby League. We can now put on courses throughout the country with no time or candidate constraints which will see a huge increase in our qualified coaches.

“I would like to congratulate all 14 candidates who attended both days, qualifying as Level 1 Coaches, and I look forward to working with them in the future.”

Crick added: “The decision to pair the coaches off and get them coaching immediately was a good one. The prior knowledge and experience of the cohort meant that this worked well.

“Assessment went well and I thought both Mark and Jon gave very valuable feedback to the coaches – it was positive, detailed and provided the coaches with action points to progress. The use of peer feedback worked well with this group.

“I have no hesitation in approving Mark as an RLEF tutor. I also think Jon will also be invaluable and would suggest that he assists Mark on the next Level 1 course, where I could observe and also take him through aspects of the tutor training.”