Crusaders launch a PDRL team

North Wales Crusaders Wheelchair Rugby League and Disability Sports Club are forming their own physical disability rugby league (PDRL) team, aiming to compete in the 2021 season.

PDRL is a mixture of non-contact and full contact rugby league and can be played by anyone aged six and above of any gender, provided they have a disability.

The Disability Sports Club, who are the charitable arm of Crusaders, already have three established wheelchair rugby league teams competing in the Rugby Football League’s (RFL) competitions, including Super League.

The PDRL side provides the opportunity for people who wouldn’t normally to play rugby league, including those with a physical disability.

North Wales Crusaders Disability Sports Club chairman Mark Jones said: “We are extremely delighted to be initiating physical disability rugby league in North Wales.

“We are in the early stages, but we have parts of our coaching team already.

“We are exploring funding opportunities and look forward to working with Disability Sports Wales and Wales Rugby League (WRL) to establish the first PDRL team in Wales.

“We’re looking to recruit new players and working with amazing people across North Wales.”

The club and charity are currently hard at work appointing a management team for the squad, as well as working closely with the RFL and WRL about a potential training start date and venue.