WRL move onto Stage 3 of Return to Play

Wales Rugby League have moved onto stage three of their return to play with “touch rugby” in training now being allowed.

Following discussions with Sport Wales and the Welsh Government, all are agreed that the ability to breach social distancing guidelines for organised outdoor sports is now possible, but still with certain restrictions.

Contact must be kept to a minimum and be fleeting, touch or tagging another player is allowed, but other than that, there is no other form of physical contact allowed.  Social distancing of two metres should be maintained in breaks in play and there is to be no tackling.

The two metre social distancing rules must be adhered to at all times, and all other WRL COVID-19 procedures in the return to play strategy as announced last month, must continue (please see page 14 of the link for more details of stage 3).

Please note that these training games are still in-house activities only. No activity is to take place against other clubs.