JES Group Conference reaches half-way stage

The JES Group Rugby League Conference reaches the half-way stage this Saturday with three mouthwatering clashes for fans to enjoy.

Cynon Valley Cavaliers host South Wales Jets in a top of the table clash at the Welfare Ground in Hirwaun, Aberavon Fighting Irish take on South Wales Saints at Harlequins Field, Port Talbot, whilst Rhondda Outlaws face Torfaen Tigers at Glyncoch. All games kick-off at 2.30pm.

The match of the day is undoubtedly the game in Hirwaun. Both the Cavaliers and Jets are unbeaten in their first three games with Jets initially breaking a league record for margin of win in their victory over the Saints.

However that record was only to last two weeks, as the Cavaliers also put a high score on the Saints, surpassing the Jets and also beating a 19-year old record for most points scored in a game.

The Jets are still top of the league, as they have been since week one, but only on points difference. They had a week off last weekend, one of two that all sides are getting this season, and Jets’ CEO Liam Price hopes that won’t be a hindrance.

He said: “After our week off the lads and coaches can’t wait to get stuck back in. For a lot of teams a week off is a good thing for us it was a distraction. When you’re winning games confidence is high and momentum is key to that. Training has gone well this week and we can’t wait to travel to the Cavaliers in this top of the table clash. Obviously looking at their results it looks like it will be a great advert for Welsh rugby league and we are confident of keeping our unbeaten streak going.”

Brandon Shaw from the Cavaliers says: “We’re looking forward to the fixture on the weekend, it should be a cracking game of rugby league. The boys have had a brilliant start to the season and there is a real buzz around the club. It’s been brilliant to see all the youngesters come through who have played for the club throughout most of the age groups. As a community club this is what it’s all about and we hope to continue this for years to come.”

In the match at Glyncoch, the Outlaws and the Tigers both know that a win will go a long way in their charge to claim a semi-final place. Currently at fifth and sixth respectively in the seven-side competition, a victory would push one of them closer to the top four.

Finally, at Aberavon Harlequins, the Fighting Irish take on a South Wales Saints side who are looking for their first win of the season. The Saints have the largest squad in the league so could select a completely different side every week making them unknowns to whoever plays them. A big win for Aberavon could see them in second place in the league at the end of the day.

Please check out each club’s social media sites for team news in the next 48 hours ahead of the games.